J. G. Sánchez León, M. A. López Ponte, J. M. Rodríguez Díaz

The activity of radioactive isotopes intake by workers exposed occupationally to radioactive aerosols can be estimated by bioassays measuring these isotopes in the urine excretion or lung retention and monitoring the area using air-samples to measure their isotopic concentration. We have analyzed the uncertainties in the case where the worker is exposed to a random chronic intake It represents a real situation (i.e. Nuclear Fabrication where the workers are exposed to the inhalation of UO2). Part of the uranium measured in the bioassays is due to the natural radioactive background (i.e. part of uranium in the urine is consequence of the diet). Its effect in the occupational intake estimation has been evaluated.
These uncertainties have been combined to estimate the risk to exceed a limit of intake during a period in which a worker is exposed to uranium UO2 aerosols in a specific area. This criterion can be used to establish the bioassay program (frequency of bioassay samples)

Keywords: Uncertainties, Isotope, Bioassay


BIO-1 Biostatistics
September 6, 2019  12:40 PM
I3L9. Georgina Blanes building

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