
We are honoured to announce the XXXVIII Spanish Conference on Statistics and Operational Research, and the XII Conference on Public Statistics, which will be held at the Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València located in Alcoi (Alicante) from 3rd to 6th September 2019.

This conference is a great opportunity for academics, researchers and experts of Statistics and Operational Research to exchange ideas and experiences.

The Organisation and Scientific Committees encourage participation to those interested in Statistics, Operational Research and Public Statistics, either from academia, public administration or private companies. The conference include several parallel sessions where participants will present results and will exchange knowledge with other experts. The high quality works presented and the discussions that follow will show the importance of these fields in the society of the 21st century.

Both Spanish and English will be official languages of the conference.

Looking forward to meeting you in SEIO 2019 Conference!

The Organisation Committee,
SEIO 2019




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