M. Clemente Císcar, C. Rubio Lluesa, L. Rodrigo Vivó, J. Jimenez Almazán

Increasing age in female partner is one of the causes for infertility problems. Aneuploidy is the most common genetic abnormality in human embryos. PGT-A is a preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy. It would offer the advantage of selecting normal embryos in first transfer to the patient, so pregnancy would be achieved earlier, but PGT-A is not performed for everybody due to different reasons.
Our objective is to compute the expected number of transfers needed to select a chromosomally normal embryo without PGT-A. This model would help patients and doctors to take better decisions according to female age.
The available variables are probability of normal embryo (based on patient age) and number of embryos for patient and transfer. Based on hypergeometric probability distribution and using the probability-weighted average of all possible values the expected number of transfer is computed. To obtain the final value we apply a smooth method, computing running medians of odd span

Keywords: Infertility problems, hypergeometric distribution, genetic tests


BIO-1 Biostatistics
September 6, 2019  12:40 PM
I3L9. Georgina Blanes building

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