M. E. López Vizcaíno, M. J. Lombardía Cortiña, C. Rueda Sabater

An often used methodology to study labour market differences between men and women is to decompose the gender pay gap (GPG) into a portion that is due to differences in group characteristics and a portion that cannot be explained by such differences. In this sense, the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition has been widely used in the study of the labour market discrimination . The objective of this work is to introduce a novel robust approach that is adapted to estimate the two components of the GPG in small area contexts. The presented approach generates confidence intervals for the explained and unexplained part of the GPG, includes a bias correction and consider linear mixed models and a selection of models option using specific AIC measure. Finally, we use the methodology to analyze the wage differentials by economic activities in the region of Galicia (Spain)​

Keywords: gender pay gap, mixed models, small area estimation, Blinder-Oaxa decomposition, discrimination


ADCS-2 Data Analysis and Social Science
September 4, 2019  2:45 PM
I3L1. Georgina Blanes building

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