C. Gutiérrez Vaquero

The talk concerns with a constrained vector optimization problem with set-valued mappings and a free disposal domination set. Some characterizations through linear scalarization and Lagrangian multiplier theorems for weakly efficient solutions of this problem are provided, that work as long as the quasi interior of the domination set is nonempty and certain generalized convexity conditions on the data of the problem are satisfied.

Keywords: Vector optimization, weakly efficient solution, quasi interior, domination set, free disposal set, linear scalarization, Lagrangian optimality condition, generalized convexity


GT11-3 MA-3 Continuous Optimization. Tribute to Marco Antonio López
September 6, 2019  9:30 AM
I2L7. Georgina Blanes building

Other papers in the same session

Duality and optimality conditions for constrained vector optimization problem on Riemannian manifolds

G. Ruiz Garzón, R. Osuna Gómez, A. Rufián Lizana, B. Hernández Jiménez, J. Ruiz Zapatero

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