R. Correa

We derive new Fritz-John and KKT-type optimality conditions for semi-infinite convex optimization, dropping out the continuity/closedness assumptions. When the family of functions is finite, we use continuity conditions concerning only the active functions, and not all the data functions. To this aim, we start by characterizing the subdifferential of the supremum function of finitely and infinitely indexed families of convex functions. This will be done under weak continuity assumptions. The resulting formulas are given in terms of the exact subdifferential of the data functions at the reference point, and not at nearby points.

Keywords: Convex optimization, subdifferential calculus, optimality conditions


GT11-1 MA-1 Continuous Optimization. Tribute to Marco Antonio López
September 5, 2019  2:45 PM
I2L7. Georgina Blanes building

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