A. Saavedra Nieves, M. G. Fiestras-Janeiro, M. A. Mosquera Rodríguez

Sequencing problems describe those situations where several jobs have to be processed on a set of machines. These problems are formally defined by an initial order for the jobs and a cost function associated to their processing. Several factors influence in determining these costs as, among others, the processing time of each job or its position in the queue. For instance, learning and deterioration effects on the machine may be assumed.

Cooperation in sequencing problems was widely treated in literature. In order to analyze them two issues have to be adressed: (a) identify the optimal sequence for the jobs, and (b) distribute the corresponding cost savings with respect to the initial order among the agents. To this aim, we use cooperative game theory.

In this work, we analyse sequencing problems with learning and deterioration effects. We obtain some results about the optimal order and analyse the cooperation through the study of the corresponding saving games.

Keywords: Sequencing situations, learning and deterioration, optimal order, cooperative games, convexity


TJ-1 Game Theory
September 6, 2019  9:30 AM
I3L1. Georgina Blanes building

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