F. Salas-Molina, D. Pla-Santamaria, A. García-Bernabeu, J. Reig Mullor

A critical step in multiple criteria optimization is setting the specific preferences for each criterion and any decision maker. Several methodologies have been proposed to compute the relative priority of criteria when preference relations can be expressed either by ordinal or by cardinal information. The analytic hierarchy process introduces relative priority levels and cardinal preferences. Lexicographical orders combine both ordinal and cardinal preferences and present the additional difficulty of establishing strict priority levels. To enhance the process of setting preferences, we propose a compact representation that subsumes most common preference schemes by means of a single algebraic object. We use this representation to discuss the main properties of preferences within the context of multiple criteria optimization.

Keywords: Multiple criteria decision making, preferences, lexicographic orders.


MIO-1 Operations Research: Methods and Applications
September 6, 2019  12:40 PM
I2L5. Georgina Blanes building

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