M. A. Ariño Martín

The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology to measure the level of uncertainty of an economy. The outcome of the methodology is an index of the level of uncertainty. After presenting the methodology, we apply it to the Spanish economy to observe its degree of uncertainty along the time, for the period January 2000 to the present. The index captures in a very clear way the most important facts that affect to economic uncertainty like the September eleventh New York terrorist attacks, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers or the debt crisis in countries like Greece, Ireland or Spain. We call this index for the Spanish economy the I3E or the IESE Index of Economic Uncertainty

Keywords: Economic Uncertainty, Volatility, Economic Indicator


SI-MCEE-1 Invited Session. Quantitative Methods for Economy and Companies
September 5, 2019  12:00 PM
I2L5. Georgina Blanes building

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