B. Bouchkhar

Sustainable development indicators has been a recurring issue since the Rio Conference, whose plan of action states "countries at the national level and international governmental and non-governmental organizations at the international level should define notion of indicators of sustainable development ". The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are now the main reference for development policies and programs. Each country must review the 17 objectives and 169 targets to determine how they can be translated into both realistic and ambitious development plans. The UN Statistical Commission adopted a framework of 232 unique global indicators to support countries measuring their progress in achieving the goals.
However, early gap assessments indicate that even the better-resourced countries would not be able to produce data for about half of relevant SDG indicators at most. Thus, the large number of indicators represents a considerable challenge for both developed and developing countries

Palabras clave: Sustainable development goals, Indicators, data production


GT13-3 Desastres, Desarrollo y Sostenibilidad
3 de septiembre de 2019  18:30
Salón de Grados. Edificio Carbonell

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