E. Vilhena, D. Mendonça, J. L. Pais Ribeiro

Living with a chronic disease is an experience that affect aspects of an individual’s life, and is responsible for the management of several psychosocial factors which contribute to their quality of life (QoL). This study aims to test the simultaneous impact of psychosocial predictors (optimism, positive affect, social support, stigma and treatment adherence) on QoL and clarify if optimism is a mediator factor, in metabolic Portuguese patients. A sample of 365 volunteer patients was used. All completed a self-report questionnaire. Results of Structural Equation Modeling showed that model fitted the data reasonably well (CFI=0.9, RMSEA=0.048, 90\%IC[0.041;0.053]). A better treatment adherence, positive affect (PA) and lower perception of stigma contribute to a better QoL. More optimism contribute to a better general well-being (GWB) and mental health (MH). The optimism mediate the relationships between PA and GWB/MH. This study contribute to improve the process associated with QoL.

Palabras clave: Mediator, Metabolic Disease, Quality of Life; SEM


BIO-2 Bioestadística
6 de septiembre de 2019  15:30
I3L8. Edificio Georgina Blanes

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