M. González Velasco, C. Minuesa Abril, I. del Puerto García

Branching processes are relevant models in the development of theoretical approaches to problems in applied fields. In this work, we deal with problems arising in cell biology. Specifically, we focus our attention on experimental data of cultured oligodendrocyte cells. A reducible age-dependent branching process with emigration to model such population was introduced in Yakovlev et al. (2008)[JASA, 103(484), 1357-1366]. We propose a two-type controlled branching process to describe the embedded discrete branching structure of such an age-dependent branching process. In this context, we tackle the estimation of the offspring distribution of the cell population. We address this problem from a Bayesian outlook by making use of disparity measures. As illustration we study the real data set in Yakovlev et al. (2008). Acknowledgment: research supported by grants MTM2015-70522-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and IB16099 and GR18103 (Junta de Extremadura/European Regional Development Fund).

Palabras clave: branching processes, bayesian inference, disparity measure, cell kinetics


GT17-2 Procesos Estocásticos y sus Aplicaciones
3 de septiembre de 2019  16:50
I3L9. Edificio Georgina Blanes

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