I. Giménez Palacios, F. Parreño Torres, M. T. Alonso Martínez, R. Alvarez-Valdes

In recent years, logistics has become increasingly important as a way to save costs. However, at least in the Container Loading Problem, many restrictions that have a real application have not been studied in depth. In some cases, we need to establish a priority when loading the container. This restriction is known as loading priority. In addition, in some types of companies, the products to be shipped may be packaged in different boxes, and it makes sense to consider them as a single shipment. This restriction is called complete shipment. So, in this paper we consider these two restrictions, but considering not only the total volume of cargo but also the partial volume loaded of priority shipments, to establish an order of preference in the solutions.
To do this, we use a construction based on maximal spaces with the neighborhood structure VNS to perform a local search. To test the algorithm we will use the modified Bischoff and Ratcliff instances to include priorities and shipments.

Palabras clave: Container loading, Heuristics, Loading priority, Complete shipment, 3D Packing, VNS


HEU-1 Heurísticas y Metaheurísticas
6 de septiembre de 2019  15:30
I3L10. Edificio Georgina Blanes

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