Á. Marín Gracia, L. F. Escudero, L. Cadarso

The Rapid Transit Network Design planning problem along a
multi-period time horizon is treated by considering uncertainty
in passenger demand, strategic costs and network disruption. The
problem has strategic decisions about the timing to construct
stations and edges, and operational decisions on the available
network at the periods. The uncertainty in the strategic side is
represented in a multistage scenario tree, while the uncertainty
in the operational side is represented in two-stage scenario trees
which are rooted with strategic nodes. In order to avoid the negative
impacts of low probability but high cost or high lost demand
scenarios, some risk reduction measures should be considered.
In this work the expected conditional stochastic dominance functional
is modeled in two flavors. First, controlling the cost in
the strategic scenarios in selected groups and clusters and second,
controlling the lost passenger demand in the operational

Palabras clave: Rapid Transit Network Design, stochastic, disruption management, risk averse, matheuristic


GT10-1 Transporte: Ángel Marín. In memoriam
5 de septiembre de 2019  10:40
I3L10. Edificio Georgina Blanes

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